About us
Digital Innovation Assembly (DIA) is a reputable and trusted professional organization for senior technology executives.

Who is The DIA For?

Members of the DIA are acknowledged technology leaders who are chosen for their breadth and diversity of expertise.
They are technologists who have greatly impacted the economy and society through digital products and technology.

To qualify for membership, you must be a senior-level technology executive.
Membership shall be through an open application process reviewed and evaluated by the membership committee.

1. Membership Criteria:

  • Eligible individuals must have launched, developed, or contributed significantly to the development of a digital product(s) with over 2 million users.
  • Eligible individuals must have held a senior-level technology position in a reputable company with an annual revenue of over 50 Billion naira. If it is a technology startup company, it should have funding of over 1 billion naira or 5oo million naira annual recurring revenue (ARR)

There shall be two categories of membership of the Association namely:

  1. Categories of Membership:
    • Senior Level Executive Members: Technologists who satisfies the above membership criteria
    • Business Members: Businesses that satisfy the above membership criteria.
  1. The Membership Committee: To be composed of elected members of DIA responsible for reviewing and evaluating all applications.
  1. Duration of Membership. Membership of Digital Innovation Assembly may be terminated by voluntary withdrawal as provided in this Constitution. All rights, privileges, and interest of a member in or to Digital Innovation Assembly shall cease on termination of membership. Memberships shall be non transferable. Any member may, by giving written notice of such intention, withdraw from membership. Withdrawals shall be effective on fulfillment of all obligations to the date of withdrawal.
  1. Suspension and Expulsion. If, in a written and signed communication addressed to the Membership Committee, any member of Digital Innovation Assembly shall be charged with conduct detrimental to the objects or interests of Digital Innovation Assembly or in violation of its obligation as a member such a member may be disciplined and where, after being accorded fair hearing such a member is found guilty, the person may be expelled from being a member of the Association.  

DIA members include reputable founders, partners, and CEOs of technology firms, C-level technology professionals such as CTOs and CIOs, and vice presidents of technology teams.

Ready to join DIA?
Apply to DIA and enjoy all these benefits and more!